We tackle the cover ups no one else touches.
Enjoy some of our before and after images of some touch cover up case studies.
The last two are from years back, but I wanted to show some older projects as well. The bottom image of the female portrait is part of a full torso cover up. The largest cover up I have ever done. The Jason is just my favorite cover up as I just dig the outcome. Let me know your problems, I have answers and solutions.
Don't let anything hold you back. Not when regardless of scars, old tattoos, or anything else you can have amazing artwork instead!
Hi, this skill takes a creative vision and design to fulfill hiding the old so that the new shines! the artist at Legend Ink have this gift.
Whether its scars, skin conditions, or old tattoos nothing has to be a regret now a days it seems. Everything can be covered!
Cover ups are one of those things that can transform someone's perception for the better. I'm so happy this kind of tattooing exists for that exact reason.
These are some amazing cover up projects!
the biggest challenge we get, love cover up tattooing.